


发布时间:2024-06-28 08:54:49 点击量:209


When using CSS selectors

it is important to understand how they work and the different types of selectors that are available. One common task when working with CSS is to select the first element that matches a certain criteria. In this article

we will explore various ways to select the first element using CSS selectors and discuss when and how each method should be used.


One way to select the first element in CSS is to use the :first-child selector. This selector targets the first child element of its parent element. For example

if we have a list of items and we want to style the first item differently from the rest

we can use the following CSS code:



ul li:first-child {

color: red;




In this example

the first

  • element inside a
      parent element will have its color set to red. This is a simple and effective way to target the first element in a list or container.


      Another way to select the first element is to use the :first-of-type selector. This selector targets the first element of a specific type within its parent element. For example

      if we have a list of items with different types of elements (such as


      we can use the following CSS code to target the first




      div p:first-of-type {

      font-weight: bold;




      In this example

      the first

      element inside a

      parent element will have its font weight set to bold. This is useful when you want to target the first element of a specific type within a container.


      It is also possible to select the first element using the :nth-child selector. This selector allows you to target the nth child element of its parent element. In this case

      we can use the :nth-child(1) selector to target the first child element. For example:



      ul li:nth-child(1) {

      background-color: yellow;




      In this example

      the first

    • element inside a
        parent element will have its background color set to yellow. The :nth-child selector is versatile and allows you to target any specific child element based on its index.


        In addition to these selectors

        there are other ways to select the first element using CSS. You can also use the :first-of-class selector to target the first element with a specific class

        or the :first-letter selector to target the first letter of a text element.


        In conclusion

        selecting the first element using CSS can be accomplished using various selectors such as :first-child


        and :nth-child. Each selector has its unique purpose and can be used in different situations depending on the specific requirements of your project. Understanding how to properly select the first element using CSS selectors is essential for creating well-designed and functional websites.

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