


发布时间:2024-03-20 08:59:06 点击量:161


System.Threading.Timer is a class in the .NET framework that allows developers to schedule the execution of a certain method at specified intervals. This class provides a way to execute code on a separate thread without having to deal with the complexities of thread management.


One of the key features of the System.Threading.Timer class is its ability to execute code at specified intervals. This is achieved by creating an instance of the Timer class and providing it with a callback method and a time interval. The callback method is the code that will be executed when the timer elapses

and the time interval specifies how often the timer should fire.


When the Timer object is created

it starts running immediately

and the callback method is executed at the specified intervals. The timer can be set to run only once or to run repeatedly until it is explicitly disabled or disposed.


One important thing to note about the System.Threading.Timer class is that the callback method is executed on a separate thread from the main application thread. This means that the code in the callback method will not block the main thread and will run concurrently with other parts of the application.


Another key feature of the System.Threading.Timer class is its thread safety. The Timer class is designed to be used in a multi-threaded environment and is thread-safe by default. This means that multiple threads can interact with the Timer object without causing any conflicts or race conditions.


In addition to the basic functionality of executing code at specified intervals

the Timer class also provides several methods and properties that allow developers to control the behavior of the timer. For example

the Change method can be used to dynamically change the interval at which the timer fires

and the Dispose method can be used to stop the timer and release any resources associated with it.



the System.Threading.Timer class is a powerful tool for scheduling code execution in a multi-threaded environment. By using this class

developers can easily create timers that execute code at specified intervals and take advantage of the benefits of concurrent programming.
